Thursday, May 3, 2007

Saturday, April 28 Big Girl's Day Out

Today Anna Brooke had a special day with Mama and Sissi. Dwain kept Sarah Hope and Jonathan. They got to go swimming and play on the play ground. Sissi took Anna Brooke and I to the Nanchang Orphanage today. This orphanage has 90% special needs children. They also have programs started my Half the Sky and Holt. We weren't allowed take any pictures inside. We were able to see 2 preschool rooms, the little sister's room, the Holt baby room,the Holt foster care area, a Holt program for older girls, and play with some children outside. We saw a precious little one, about a year old, she was blind and had CP. The Holt babies room got my heart. This room is for very sick newborns.One wee baby was so blue. He needed heart surgery. The government provides surgeries, however I wonder if he will make it long enough. Their was also a beautiful little girl with a cleft lip/palate. The program for the older girls was neat. All had some kind of disability. The Holt staff trains them in sewing, knitting, etc. Anna Brooke and I bought a small quilt they had made. In the middle is the Chinese Character for love. They couldn't believe we wanted to buy one. It was 60 US$, so expensive here. That's the best $ I have spent on the trip. The five girls split the $. I really like this program, they are teaching them a skill that will help them become somewhat independent.
We really enjoyed our time outside with the children. This was a highlight for Anna Brooke. We also met a couple of beautiful kids with Down Syndrome. We were encouraged to take pictures and help find them homes! I can get you more information if you are interested. Later Anna Brooke told me she really wanted a big brother. I asked her who and she said the boy from today. She loved the boy with Down Syndrome. She said he was sweet and that if we didn't give him a home he might not get one. How precious. We can't adopt them all, however, I am so glad both my girls can experience these sweet children and understand their needs!
After the orphanage we went to get our fingernails done. Last time I was in Jiangxi we did this as a special treat for Anna Brooke. This was also a treat for me. I have only had this done 2 times, both in Jiangxi! I had a full manicure and Anna Brooke had her fingernails and toenails painted, all for about $8 . I really enjoyed my day with Anna Brooke. Dwain also enjoyed his with the younger 2. They had a big time swimming.

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